Tuesday, October 27, 2015


For a long moment, Thannor kneels there upon the pale shore, his head bowed.  His heart and mind are too full for words.  He is here. He is finally here.  The vigil has ended...  So, he remains kneeling, trying to gather his whirling thoughts, and sinks his fingers into the sands of a land that he knows will someday be called 'home'.  Just as Eryn Lasgalen was, aye, and just as that wonderful kin-home became.  Suddenly, a sound reaches his keen ears, above the hiss of the tide or the call of unfamiliar birds.  Footsteps on the sand...  Just one person, moving lightly.


The breath catches in his throat.  There is but one who would call him by that name...  He knows that voice, even after years beyond counting.  He will always know her voice.  Slowly, as if in a dream, he raises his head.  His blue eyes widen as he drinks in the sight of her, the breeze whipping at her dress and long hair.  She is not as she was when last he saw her, but hale and whole and so beautiful he knows no words in any tongue to do her justice.  She smiles, her face lit up with joy, and he feels like he has given her his heart all over again.


The name he has not spoken in years beyond counting leaves his lips.  And suddenly, the spell is broken and they are both rushing across the sand.  She flings her arms around his neck; he catches her in an embrace.  She laughs as he lifts her off the ground and twirls her in the air, and it is the most wonderful sound he has ever heard.  He overbalances and they wind up lying in the warm pale sand, laughing and weeping all at once, holding on to each other as if they'll never let go again.  After all, death cannot stop true love.  All it can do is delay it for a while.

(...So, this thingamajg is the result of a lot of Dr. Pepper, Twizzlers, having The Princess Bride on the brain, and wanting to write some Thannor/Merilwen fluff.  :3)

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