Friday, December 11, 2015

Hop to Hopville

To my dear friends and neighbors, it is so good to be home again! I have been away awhile, but I have now returned to the beautiful Shire Homesteads, whereat I hope to again find myself in a warming embrace with each of you, my good friends here at the Grand Hole!

Since I've been away, it seems we have acquired both a new name for the neighborhood, and a bountiful amount of neighbors - quite a change from the secluded piece of the Shire I have grown accustomed to! So I, being most eager to meet all these new names and faces, made a request to view the neighborhood records and color each home according to association.
As you can see, I have continued to mark the individual estates of our own dear members in blue, and I was fairly pleased to discover that there are three other kindreds which have taken up residence in our old part of the Shire: 
The East Shire Trading Company (A very sophisticated name I should say, I wonder what sorts of trade-goods they handle..)  
The Defenders of Anduin (Very nice folk, from what I've heard of them from Skalithor!) and  
The Legion of Dark Hunters (Sounds frightful! Do you suppose they are dark hunters, or that they hunt dark things?)

I intend to speak with our kinship leader about hosting what my mother would call, a "Neighborhood Meet and Greet" in January next year, so that we may gain some friendly acquaintances with our new neighbors.
But of course, I don't think I'll have much time any prior to consider it - For you see, I heard Lilliway the other day mention something about a yule play to Aedynn and I am hoping that they might ask me to take part! I think it would be an absolutely delightful idea to boost moral up in Evendim, if each of the fellowships could return home for the Holidays and rejoice in the splendor of good company and fine entertainment! 

 Don't tell anyone, yet, though! I shouldn't like to go raising any hopes until I know for certain, so I'll just keep my ears open, and this'll stay between you and me, yes?

 I'll write when I know more, 
~Maeflower Tooke

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