-At once I stand within a glade of the Golden Wood. Is it morning? Several sunbeams have escaped the barricade of the trees, finding their way across golden leaves littering the ground before me, as though I stood on sparkling treasure.
-Where are you?
-The air is peaceful and warm all about me, I know I am safe here.. Yet, my soul is wrought with anguish. There is pain, and fear.. I cannot reach out, others flee my silence. What has happened? It has stopped my utterance. I desperately search for a hand to hold, someone to tell me "I care," Someone who can understand my wordless speech, just a listening ear..
-Then, like soft wild cherry blossoms, I feel a hand has softly been placed upon my shoulder, a tender love expressed through touch.. Words are not needed here.
-I turn. Who are you, woman?

-You have felt what now I feel, the loss, the panic, and need for someone to just be there. You understand, Yet I have not breathed a word..
For a moment, I pull my eyes from the woman clothed in blue. I recognize the tall old one, rich in golden leaf, and perch stretching forth for the tired wing. I often retreated here, below his ever steady watch. It offered understanding.. For it too stood silent, owning no voice.
This was my favorite spot, though at first hard to recall. It was here that I- .. I discovered you.. Returning my thoughts to the woman, I see a smile steadily grow over her face.
-We visited kingdoms, flown with the fae-folk, sung with Ents, and danced beneath waters with River-maidens. Once I hid my eyes from you. My back turned, you ran from me and I could not find you. I searched till alas, the sun fell, and when I could not find you.. so did my heart. But you had chased behind me all the way, ne'er letting yourself be caught! When you saw my heart sink you came immediately with an embrace, letting me know it was alright.
-We shared secrets, our deepest desires.. Yours was of a wish for eternal love that lasts for far more then a century. We shared love for the beauty of our worlds, the seasons and flowers.. I shared with you my song of the trees, for you alone could hear my voice.. You captured the world on a canvas of color, but searched for more to make it choice.
-You own many a fault, Errors, you have known not a few. Yet you do not allow yourself to give in to the heartache there. Your frustrations have manifested long through the night, watering a pillow and from thus taking flight. However, something is there, amid the dark moments of your journey. A light, not your own, glows within your eyes. Your heart burns with something, reaching far above ocean and skies.
- How could I have forgotten the days we spent in the Golden Glade? You were my comfort amid those lonely days. I never had to be more to you, you loved the way I stayed. You wished me to be happy, free from the dark past that surrounded me. Though you could not fix what had taken away my song, you offered companionship and play where there was none.
-I won't forget again, my friend. Those days we were together. You taught me there was healing near, one just needed to look past what dies. Though one disappears from our view, their not gone forever.. They wait where truth dwells. Each will see their own again, but a duty must be fulfilled. Which is why I stay upon the sand, and do not cross over to the sea. There is something keeping me..
-My role to fill has not ended, yet our time in splendor hath. Though life continues on for me, I shall not forget that secret place, the time we were together. You will forever be my treasured memory that I won't ever again to bury..
-Never, will I forget...
~Assyle of Lothlorien
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